Thursday, October 27, 2011

Growing Gospel Club

Our Gospel Club, which meets every Monday at 3PM, is growing to epic proportions. We can't remember when we have had such interest in a weekly Bible club. Our church ladies take turns making snacks for the kids. One week, we said, "Make sure there is enough for about 17." The next week we said, "Better make that 20". The next week it was 25, and now, after having 27 with 3 regular attendees missing, we have had to say, "make enough for at least 30, and don't forget that the teens who help with our Gospel Club need to be fed as well." WOW! How exciting!
If you are a member and have thought about helping someday, now would be a great time to put thoughts into action. :) This is especially helpful during craft time, when little ones may need help cutting or gluing. Also, just another adult nearby during story time is very helpful.

Praise the Lord for these children and this opportunity to reach out into our community and share Christ!

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